Your ten hours are up. For a short time, there is silence. And perhaps they were bluffing? Perhaps they had no intention of attacking? But then, a warning shot strikes the shield surrounding Sphere. It shimmers under the impact. Then another. Then another. In a few minutes, the shield is being bombarded by the Hakkarin ship -- then the long range
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Monday rolls around and, unsurprisingly there's no little formally worded updated in your inbox. Everyone is too busy for that. It's been a week now, the ship drawing ever closer on the long range sensor display. Scientists and other volunteers have been shutting down all unnecessary systems. Sphere is mostly plunged into darkness, the simulation
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It's six thirty AM. The ground outside is covered in a thin layer of white, the odd snowflake still whirling its way slowly down. Your nexus device beeps, a message calling everyone to the central station in half an hour for an emergency meeting. For those who can't be there, a live stream will be set up.
So, as most of you now know-- [ thanks to a post with enough sparkles to give someone a seizure by her fiance. ] -- Snow and I have decided to have our wedding here in Ceriu. It doesn't look like the most glamorous of places to most of us, but... I think with a bit of work, it could be really nice for an event like that.
[ Remember what we said? What about everything else, surely there's back up power for that too...? Well, it just so happens there is. Sphere had anticipated this kind of problem, and have a handy-dandy back up system. Dylan was woken from his sleep by an alert, and traipsed through the halls in his pale blue PJs to fix this for you. However, there'
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[When the feed comes on, there's an almost mouse-y, just a little bit awkward (ten times shy) kind of guy. His eyes roam around on just about everything but the screen itself, but at the very last second, he takes a look and clears his throat.]